"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." - Romans 8:14
Who We Are

We are a group of believers called together by God our Father. Our belief is in Jesus Christ, his son! We believe that the Bible is God's Word for us and that it shows us how to properly live the way God intends.
First Christian is a part of the church universal. Although we are non-denominational, we are joined with all churches that believe and preach that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.
Our church was created as a place of true worship, where all believers can be uplifted and encouraged. It is also our mission to share to the world that God's love is free and available to all who seek to live a better life, the abundantly and fruitful life that God wishes all to enjoy.
First Christian is a part of the church universal. Although we are non-denominational, we are joined with all churches that believe and preach that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.
Our church was created as a place of true worship, where all believers can be uplifted and encouraged. It is also our mission to share to the world that God's love is free and available to all who seek to live a better life, the abundantly and fruitful life that God wishes all to enjoy.
What We Believe
First Christian's calling is to be a saving and healing station for its members and to be a beacon of hope in Jesus Christ to all who wish to know Him and the salvation he offers.
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that it is the source for which we base our faith and church practices. We believe that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that even when believers stumble, if they repent, they can be restored. We believe that the Holy Spirit is present and active. We engage in the Biblical principles of believer's water baptism, and Holy Communion/The Lord's Supper.
We are a collection of committed believers who have professed their faith in Christ, have been baptized, have pledged allegiance to the Church in order to hear God's Word, receive the sacraments and to cause the work of Christ to progress in the community and world.
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that it is the source for which we base our faith and church practices. We believe that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that even when believers stumble, if they repent, they can be restored. We believe that the Holy Spirit is present and active. We engage in the Biblical principles of believer's water baptism, and Holy Communion/The Lord's Supper.
We are a collection of committed believers who have professed their faith in Christ, have been baptized, have pledged allegiance to the Church in order to hear God's Word, receive the sacraments and to cause the work of Christ to progress in the community and world.